Taro Root is known as Malanga in Nicaragua
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It is believed to be one of the earliest cultivated plants.
The taro root, also known as "dasheen", is cultivated in many areas of the world including Central America, South America and the Caribbean and Polynesian islands. A staple among many of the people who reside in these geographic regions, taro root is a vegetable that can easily be used as a healthy alternative to potatoes and other tubers. They do, however, have somewhat of a nut-like flavor when cooked.
Taro root is a starchy tuber fresh vegetable that looks like, and can be used similar to a potato. When preparing to use a taro root, the root's outer skin must first be removed. Additionally, because taro root can be toxic in its raw state, always cook it before using.
Taro roots are extremely nutritious as they provide a good source of fiber, contain a high amount of protein, calcium, and phosphorus, and supply approximately 95 calories per adult serving. To determine whether a taro root is suitable for use, make sure that the root is firm to the touch. Store them in your home for up to one week in a cool and dry location. Taro Root is available all year.
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